Ingestible Sensor Developed MIT Monitors Breathing Through Intestinal Tract

MIT Researchers Develop Ingestible Capsule for Monitoring Vital Signs and Sleep Apnea

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created an ingestible capsule that can monitor vital signs, including heart rate and breathing patterns, from within a patient’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The capsule, which is about the size of a multivitamin, uses an accelerometer to measure breathing and heart rates, presenting a potential breakthrough in diagnosing sleep disorders like sleep apnea.

In a study involving 10 human volunteers, the researchers showed that the capsule has the ability to monitor vital signs and identify sleep apnea episodes, where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. The device passed through the digestive tract without any adverse effects, demonstrating its potential as a less intrusive diagnostic tool compared to traditional methods.

Developed Celero Systems, the ingestible capsule features an accelerometer capable of detecting subtle movements associated with heartbeats and lung expansion. It also contains two small batteries and a wireless antenna for transmitting data to external devices like laptops. Tests conducted in an animal model confirmed the capsule’s accuracy in measuring breathing and heart rates, even detecting a decrease in breathing rate induced a significant dose of fentanyl, an opioid drug.

Subsequent clinical trials at the West Virginia University Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute involved monitoring ten patients using the ingestible capsule alongside traditional sleep-monitoring sensors. The study demonstrated the capsule’s accuracy in measuring both breathing and heart rates and identifying a sleep apnea episode experienced one of the patients.

The researchers believe that these sensors could offer a less intrusive way to diagnose sleep apnea compared to current skin-based sensors and could also monitor the effectiveness of treatments for apnea. Celero Systems is actively working on sensors with applications in detecting sleep apnea and opioid overdose. The researchers envision the capsule’s potential use in monitoring individuals at a higher risk of opioid recurrence and providing timely assistance in the event of another overdose.

Future developments aim to incorporate an overdose reversal agent, such as nalmefene, into the device, triggering drug release when the patient’s breathing rate slows or stops. Additionally, efforts are underway to extend the time the capsules can remain in the stomach.

Giovanni Traverso, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at MIT and a gastroenterologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, stated, “It’s an exciting intervention to help people be diagnosed and then receive the appropriate treatment if they suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. The device also has the potential for early detection of changes in respiratory status, whether it’s a result of opiates or other conditions that could be monitored, like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).” The findings of the research team were published in the journal Device.

The ingestible capsule marks a significant advancement in the field of medical diagnostics and could revolutionize the way vital signs are monitored and sleep disorders are diagnosed. With further research and development, this innovative technology could have a profound impact on patient care and treatment in the healthcare industry.

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