Businesses aimed to create aesthetically pleasing offices for Instagram, but received harsh criticism from users on the platform.

Many companies are hoping that the promise of more trendy and Instagram-worthy office designs will lure employees back to the office. According to a recent article in The New York Times, some companies are striving to create offices that are more appealing, hoping to entice workers to return. For example, Magic Spoon, a cereal company, remodeled its New York City headquarters with the help of interior design team that created “razzle-dazzle red” conference rooms and other colorful, cozy spaces.

However, the response from employees and Instagram users has been mixed. While some employees enjoyed sharing pictures of the new office on Instagram, others were more critical. Many commented that higher wages and work flexibility are more important than trendy office designs. Ongoing research also suggests that most workers prioritize earning more and remote work opportunities over the aesthetics of an office.

It’s important to note, as highlighted in a recent study from NORC at University of Chicago, that higher wages would significantly encourage workers to return to the office. This suggests that a visually appealing office may not be the most effective strategy for drawing employees back into the workplace, especially for millennials who continue to express a strong preference for working remotely.

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