Building Nvidia Was a Million Times More Challenging Than Jensen Huang Expected

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang recently shared his insights on the challenges of building a successful business. The 60-year-old entrepreneur, known for his leadership in developing the popular RTX graphics cards, revealed that creating Nvidia was much harder than he anticipated. Huang emphasized that if he were starting over today, he would not embark on the same path due to the immense personal toll and obstacles he faced.

Despite the challenges, Huang displayed unwavering determination and self-belief throughout Nvidia’s journey. He credited his resilience to the support network he had and the people who never gave up on him. Leading the company during turbulent times, including when the stock price plummeted, was exceptionally challenging, but Huang persevered.

Looking ahead, Huang sees great potential in artificial intelligence (AI), believing it will create new job opportunities while cautioning that automation may also displace certain roles. He advises individuals to learn how to use AI as job landscapes evolve.

Huang also shared his fear of letting his employees down. He has always been dedicated to ensuring their success and well-being, recognizing that they have embraced Nvidia’s vision as their own. He highlighted the importance of a strong support system and acknowledged the role it played in his journey.

Regarding Nvidia’s organizational structure, Huang described it as a “computing stack” rather than a top-down command system. The company operates as a “neural network” that reflects the philosophy of building the organization as an architecture for the product.

Huang believes that passion and dedication in a specific field are essential for anyone aspiring to start their own business. Regardless of the challenges and adversaries they may face, he believes that with the right drive, anyone can succeed.

The article originally appeared on TechTimes and is protected under copyright laws. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.

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