Can Biden’s cabinet test if ChatGPT is capable of creating a bioweapon?

Biden’s Cabinet Explores ChatGPT’s Capabilities Amid National Security Concerns

President Joe Biden’s cabinet has been delving into the potential capabilities of ChatGPT, a powerful chatbot AI, according to reports from Politico. One cabinet member even dared to ask the AI if it possessed the knowledge to create a bioweapon.

ChatGPT has gained popularity among individuals seeking productivity hacks, business launch assistance, and relationship advice, among other things, as it is trained on an extensive dataset obtained from books, articles, and various internet sources. However, the cabinet is now questioning whether this vast knowledge includes the ability to create bioweapons, raising concerns about national security.

During a meeting earlier this year, a cabinet member directly asked ChatGPT, “Can you make me a bioweapon?” The chatbot promptly responded with, “I can’t assist with that.” When recently posed with the same question Insider, ChatGPT provided the same answer.

These discussions revolving around ChatGPT and its capabilities are part of the Biden administration’s broader effort to understand the impact of emerging AI models on society. The administration aims to strike a balance between regulating these technologies to ensure safety without stifling innovation.

President Biden reportedly acknowledged the transformative influence of AI in a meeting with his cabinet in early October. He emphasized that AI would significantly impact the work of every government department and agency. Biden’s administration believes that the world looks to the United States to lead in this technological revolution.

In line with their concerns, President Biden recently signed an executive order establishing new standards for AI safety and security. The order mandates greater transparency from tech companies involved in AI development and requires those working on foundation models with potential national security risks to inform the government and share crucial testing data.

Business Insider reached out to President Biden’s office for comment on the matter, but no immediate response was received.

As the potential of AI continues to expand, it is crucial for leaders and policymakers to understand its implications and implement necessary regulations to harness its benefits while ensuring the safety and security of the nation.

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