Karti Chidambaram Questions How India Can Reach the Moon While Manual Scavenging Persists

Title: Indian MP Questions Disparity Between Scientific Achievements and Social Issues During Chandrayaan-3 Mission

Byline: Sheen Kachroo

Date: September 21, 2023, 17:49 IST

The success of India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission has prompted Congress MP Karti Chidambaram to raise concerns about the country’s social issues. During a debate, Chidambaram questioned how a nation that lands a spacecraft on the moon can still have issues such as manual scavenging and potholes.

Chidambaram emphasized the importance of maintaining scientific temper in India, applauding the demonstration of this the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). He called for a deeper understanding of the country’s scientific heritage and history, encouraging research and a return to India’s roots in scientific knowledge.

In addition to his remarks, Chidambaram urged the government to provide fellowships and scholarships to students from government schools to join ISRO, aiming to promote inclusivity in scientific pursuits.

On the other hand, BJP MP Jayant Sinha highlighted that science and culture, or ‘sanskar,’ go hand in hand for Indians. Sinha emphasized the balance between scientific advancements and cultural values. He acknowledged the contributions of former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who initiated the establishment of ISRO, and praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for doubling ISRO’s budget over the past nine years.

Dimple Yadav, an MP from the Samajwadi Party, emphasized that credit for the success of the Chandrayaan mission should be attributed solely to the scientific community. Yadav urged everyone to take pride in the achievements of Indian scientists and not compromise their dignity seeking undue credit.

In contrast, NC MP Hasnain Masoodi stressed the need to focus on addressing real issues such as healthcare gaps, emphasizing that the success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission should not overshadow these challenges.

The discussion on the success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission and other achievements in the space sector also involved LJSP MP Prince Raj and BJP MP Sumedhanand Saraswati.

While India celebrates the success of its lunar mission, MPs have highlighted the importance of addressing social issues in parallel, ensuring that scientific advancements are leveraged for the betterment of society. The debate serves as a reminder that progress in space exploration should not overshadow the pressing needs of the nation.

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