Mumbai was filled with sorrow on Monday as film stars Shah Rukh Khan, Sanjay Dutt, and Suniel Shetty paid tribute to the legendary cricketer Bishan Singh Bedi. Bedi, a former Indian captain and one of the greatest left-arm spinners, passed away at the age of 77 after a lengthy battle with illness. Survived his wife Anju, actor-son Angad, and daughter Neha, Bedi left behind a legacy of both sports and life lessons.
Shah Rukh Khan took to X to express his heartfelt condolences, stating, “Growing up, our lives were shaped the spirit, enthusiasm, and elegance of individuals we observed and experienced. Mr. Bishan Singh Bedi was one of them. May God bless his soul and thank you, Sir, for teaching us so much about sports and life. You will be greatly missed. RIP.”
Similarly, Suniel Shetty expressed deep sadness over the loss of Bedi, referring to him as a true maestro. He emphasized Bedi’s cricketing prowess along with his honesty and integrity, highlighting the inspiration he provided to many. Shetty added, “May his legacy continue to inspire generations. Rest in peace, Bedi Sir.”
Sanjay Dutt echoed the sentiments, stating that cricket had lost a legend. He remarked, “…But the memories and moments created Bishan Singh Bedi ji will live on forever. My thoughts are with his family and the entire cricketing community as we mourn this profound loss.”
Veteran actor Satish Shah referred to Bedi as a precious jewel of Indian cricket, emphasizing the loss the nation has suffered. Filmmaker Kunal Kohli also mourned the passing of Bedi, describing him as a legend and one of the greatest spinners in the world.
Born in Amritsar in 1946, Bishan Singh Bedi played 67 Tests for India, amassing an impressive record of 266 wickets with 14 five-wicket hauls and one 10-wicket haul. He held the role of Indian captain for nearly four years in Test cricket between 1975 and 1979, succeeding Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi after his retirement.
The nation and the cricketing community mourn the loss of this iconic figure in Indian cricket. Bishan Singh Bedi’s contributions to the sport will forever be remembered and cherished.