Rephrase the title:[BREAKING NEWS] New York, New Jersey Struck Magnitude 4.6 Earthquake

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A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has hit New York City. The earth shocks were also felt in New Jersey on Friday morning.

According to Kathy Hochu, the current Governor of New York, the team is now assessing the extent of damage the said calamity. 

On her X account, she says that she will notify the public once there are already updates about the earthquake.

New Earthquake Hits US Anew

[BREAKING NEWS] New York, New Jersey Struck Magnitude 4.6 Earthquake

(Photo : Jonathan Roger from Unsplash)

The latest report says that a magnitude 4.7 earthquake hit the regions of New Jersey and New York. The public is yet to be notified about the extent of the damage.

The Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center, as per Variety’s report, says that around 10:23 AM ET, the earthquake was spotted northwest of Bridgewater, New Jersey.

The seismic activity even affected the buildings across Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. Although the earthquake is categorically recognized as moderate in magnitude, it’s the biggest earthquake to hit New York City to date.

Aside from NJ and NY, the earthquake also extended its coverage to some parts of Massachusetts and Connecticut.

Earlier this year, New York City experienced a minor earthquake with a magnitude of 1.7. It struck the Queens around 5:45 am. Fortunately, no person was injured at the time of the event.

Related Article: Taiwan Earthquake: How Advanced Technology Helped Minimize Damage, Casualties

Taiwan Earthquake is Much Worse

Kinmen - The Taiwanese Island With Strong Links To China

(Photo : An Rong Xu/Getty Images)
LIEYU, TAIWAN – FEBRUARY 04: An Island that lies inside Taiwan’s territory is seen with the Chinese city of Xiamen in the background on February 04, 2021 off the coast of Lieyu, an outlying island of Kinmen that is the closest point between Taiwan and China.

In another report by CNN, Taiwan was recently hit a strong earthquake which resulted in 1,000 injured individuals.

The 7.4 magnitude quake was something not to be underestimated. It ravaged the Hualien City, leaving it with the most noticeable damage in the country. Authorities reported that at least 10 people died due to landslides and building collapses.

While it’s indeed a big earthquake, Taiwan managed to keep a low casualty count. As of now, 42 people are missing, according to the National Fire Agency of Taiwan.

Animals Can Predict Earthquake

Although seismologists have advanced tools to know if an earthquake will approach, they do not exactly detect the exact place and time where the calamity will strike. However, the animals can predict that it’s coming through their unusual behavior.

The most obvious sign that an earthquake is coming is the appearance of random animals out of their home. You will notice snakes, insects, centipedes, and other animals.

According to scientists, animals can sense earthquakes because their sensitive fur can detect ionization in the air. This makes it easier for them to smell the gases emitted quartz crystals before the quake happens.

Even if you’re not living in the Pacific Ring of Fire, the area where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur, you’re not spared these catastrophes. That is why it’s important to know the survival tips before, during, and after a quake happens. To know more about these life-saving guidelines, click here.

Read Also: Japan’s Recent Earthquake Swarm Raises Seismic Concern, with MIT Professor Investigating the Enigma

Joseph Henry

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