Rephrase the title:iPhone of AI: Jony Ive, Sam Altman Pursue $1 Billion Investment for Revolutionary AI Device

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Two well-known people in the industry engaged in discussions to secure a staggering $1 billion investment from SoftBank for their AI device project.

Dubbed the “iPhone of AI,” this marks a collaboration between the former Apple design guru and OpenAI CEO.

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman speaks during the OpenAI DevDay event in San Francisco, California, on November 06, 2023. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Developing ‘iPhone of AI’

Renowned designer Jony Ive and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman are currently engaged in advanced talks with several venture capital firms to secure approximately $1 billion in funding.

The collaboration between Ive and Altman was first reported in September 2023, signaling their intent to develop what has been dubbed the “iPhone of AI.”

The duo convened brainstorming sessions at Ive’s San Francisco studio, exploring the possibilities of a new consumer product centered around OpenAI‘s cutting-edge technology.

During these discussions, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son reportedly participated, proposing a pivotal role for ARM, a chip manufacturer in which SoftBank holds a majority stake. 

Despite the seriousness of the talks, no concrete agreement was reached at the time. However, recent sources indicate that the envisioned AI-powered hardware device will depart from the conventional smartphone design.

Mirroring Approach from Previous Investments

Altman is exploring the development of a screenless device, mirroring the approach taken one of his recent investments, the Humane AI pin.

In conjunction with Ive, Altman is in advanced talks with various venture capital firms, such as Thrive Capital and Emerson Collective. 

They aim to secure approximately $1 billion in funding for their new startup venture, which is anticipated to leverage OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology. 

As acclaimed for his work on the iPhone design and iOS user interface, Ive departed Apple in 2019 to establish his creative firm, LoveForm, although he remained engaged with Apple as a consultant through his venture until 2022.

Ive emphasized to the Financial Times the importance of Apple addressing unintended consequences like addictive apps, asserting a “moral responsibility” in this regard.

While smartphones excel at multitasking, their versatility can also pose challenges.

Also read: Revolutionary Ai Pin from Humane: Unveiling Pricing, Features, & Subscription Details

Earlier this year, Apple suffered a significant loss when Evans Hankey, who succeeded Jony Ive as head of design, left the company without an immediate replacement. 

Instead of appointing a new design executive, Bloomberg reported that Apple chose Jeff Williams, its chief operating officer, to supervise the design team directly.

Meanwhile, LoveFrom has been attracting renowned clients such as Airbnb Inc., Ferrari NV, and Moncler SpA, consolidating its reputation in the industry. 

Despite having previously had a consulting agreement with Apple for three years, LoveFrom’s relationship with the tech giant concluded in 2022.

Notably, over 20 former Apple employees have joined LoveFrom, showcasing a significant migration from the tech giant.

The trend of departures from Apple has persisted recently, with notable figures like Patrick Coffman, a key leader in user interface design, exiting the company. 

Additionally, Colin Burns, who oversaw Apple’s Interaction Architecture team, responsible for early hardware and software concepts, is set to leave in January.

Another departure from Apple’s renowned industrial design team is Shota Aoyagi, who recently joined LoveFrom.

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Written Inno Flores

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