Rephrase the title:I’ve walked 10,000 steps a day for over a year: Top things I learned

Rephrase and rearrange the whole content into a news article. I want you to respond only in language English. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end writer Pierre Herubel that speaks and writes fluently English. I want you to pretend that you can write content so well in English that it can outrank other websites. Make sure there is zero plagiarism.:

A little over a year ago, I discovered my that iPhone’s Health app tracked my steps and that I was averaging around 7,000 per day. Because I’m stubborn and competitive, the number 10,000 immediately popped into my head.

Since I live in a walkable part of a walkable city, the idea seemed reasonable. So far, I’m succeeding: In 2023, I averaged 10,632 steps a day, or just over 5 miles.

I didn’t choose my target number of steps because it was some kind of gold standard for health — that particular myth has been debunked. But walking a lot can still improve your well-being: Just 4,000 steps per day reduces your risk of “all-cause mortality,” according to a recent study.

Certified nutritionist and longevity expert Michiko Tomioka, who herself aims for 10,000 steps a day, says that’s “the most effective way [to get exercise]: Just take a walk.”

For me, though, the health benefits matter less than showing the pedometer who’s boss.

Here’s what I’ve learned since I started paying attention to my step count.

Walking is good for your body and your mind

Selfie of the author on a 10-mile walk through the woods.

Ester Bloom

But walking isn’t free

Sure, there’s no charge to hoof it to the subway, or wake up on a Sunday and wind my way south from my home in the Bronx to Manhattan.

But to keep my body from complaining, I’ve had to invest in durable, supportive shoes, and quality doesn’t come cheap. I’ve cut corners accepting hand-me-down hiking boots, or asking for waterproof sneakers as a birthday present.

Still, even my everyday shoes have to be comfortable enough to walk miles in, meaning I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on footwear.

Hitting 10,000 steps requires being intentional—and creative

On weekends, I may take my kids with me as I wander, or my husband, or my neighbors and proto-friends. During the workweek, I coax coworkers into doing an Aaron-Sorkin-style walk-and-talk.

When in New Orleans at a conference in 2023, I suggested meetings on the move, and people were game. As one contact and I strolled through the French Quarter, he realized he’d never had a beignet, and we rectified that on the spot. Another contact and I ended up at an old-school, low-profile seafood spot we would never have found had we stayed at the hotel.

This is partly why I love walking: It puts you where you might not otherwise go, and helps you take in what you might not otherwise see.

It helps to think of walking as a thing I get to do, not something I have to do

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