This common trait is considered a dating red flag 64% of men

“Change Research” has conducted a recent survey showing that the biggest dating red flag for men is when someone identifies as a communist, with 64% of respondents saying this is a turnoff. Following this, the survey listed having no hobbies, as well as identifying as a “MAGA Republican” as potential red flags. The survey does not specify the sexual orientation of respondents, but it was found that women are more likely to be put off these issues compared to identifying as a communist.

The survey results reflect a growing trend of men and women having increasingly divergent political views. In 2021, 44% of women identified as liberal, compared to only 25% of men. Ten years ago, only 30% of women and 27% of men identified as liberal.

Research has found that people who are less politically dissimilar from their partners are generally less satisfied in their relationships and are more likely to have intense conflicts, despite the popular adage of “opposites attract”. This is supported Daniel Huff, founder of The Right Stuff, a dating app for conservatives, who has personally experienced discomfort when sharing his political career and affiliations with potential dates. Similarly, Alyssandra Tobin, who identifies herself as more of a “leftist or anarchist,” has had negative experiences with dating due to her political views.

As the political gap widens, it becomes increasingly difficult to imagine dating someone with different political beliefs. Lifestyle choices and character are often seen as a reflection of party affiliation, and as such, singles are more likely to stick with someone they feel matches their own.

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