Web Summit CEO steps down following apology for remarks on Israel-Hamas conflict

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Paddy Cosgrave, the CEO and co-founder of Web Summit, one of the biggest annual tech conferences, has stepped down from his position following criticism of his remarks regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict. The controversy led to prominent tech giants like Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon cancelling their participation in the event.

In a statement released on Saturday, Cosgrave acknowledged that his personal comments had become a distraction for the conference and its attendees, sponsors, and startups. He expressed regret and took responsibility for the impact his remarks had caused.

The controversy began when Cosgrave took to social media earlier in the week to express his personal opposition to Israel’s counterattacks in Gaza. He stated on X (formerly Twitter), “To repeat: War crimes are war crimes even when committed allies & should be called out for what they are. I will not relent.”

His comments sparked an immediate wave of cancellations from high-profile guests, including Meta, Alphabet, and Amazon. These companies cited their disagreement with Cosgrave’s views as the reason for their withdrawal from the conference.

Scheduled to take place from November 13 to November 16 in Lisbon, Portugal, this year’s Web Summit faces significant challenges following Cosgrave’s resignation and the withdrawal of major tech players.

The day after his controversial post, Cosgrave issued an apology on Web Summit’s blog, acknowledging the hurt caused the timing of his comments. He emphasized the importance of compassion in such situations and admitted that his apology was necessary.

The resignation of Paddy Cosgrave raises concerns for the future of Web Summit, as the event heavily relies on the participation of major companies and industry leaders. The conference, known for its influential networking opportunities and innovative technology showcases, may see a decline in its overall impact due to the recent controversy.

It remains to be seen how Web Summit will address these challenges and whether it will be able to regain the trust and support of its former attendees and sponsors. As the tech industry continues to navigate complex societal and political issues, the actions and statements of influential leaders like Paddy Cosgrave have far-reaching consequences.

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